Usually, every student wants to improve their grades and marks in the exam however, it requires an efficient & regular study plan. There are a number of regular practices that can significantly improve the chances of scoring better marks in your exams. This post will help you in identifying potential & regular practices for scoring better marks in exams, so read on!
Gaining Knowledge from Classroom
Stay Focused in Classroom
In the classroom, you’re supposed to learn most of the fundamentals, and hence stay focused in class! Pay attention to key information that will be very useful for conceptual questions.
Maintain good notes
Taking good notes is important by writing down key facts as it will save lots of time when you are studying later. It will also help you in absorbing the knowledge and paying attention to the classroom. Good note acts as a quick reference when you revise the topic later.
Never Skip homework
Homework is important for self-evaluation of topic clarity. Schedule time and set aside a quiet place just for homework that will help you in understanding the concepts taught in the classroom.
Do practiceS
Doing practice from various textbooks will help you figure out how much information you actually know vs how much information you think you know. Identifying your weak spots and restudying the topic will be useful to grasp a good command of the topic. Use the internet to find practice tests.
Develop an Effective Studying Habit
Consistency is key when it comes to studying
Study Regularly
Studying every day or at least several times a week is better than studying hard for only a few hours the night before the test. Try to go through the textbook reading and mark or highlight important facts & concepts for quick revision at a later stage.
Understand the Exam Pattern
Knowing the exam pattern will help you in studying in the right direction. Also, be sure to know if the exam has negative markings or not. Exam patterns play important role in students’ performance during exams or tests. Don’t hesitate to ask your teacher.
Stay Fit
Take Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is most important for keeping your body and brain nourished and ready to take on difficult tasks. When you’re trying to memorize and understand a lot of new information, it’s important to keep your health in top shape. Eat plenty of foods rich in calcium & limit your sugar intake.
Don’t skip your meals just because of a tight study schedule. Give your body the energy when it needs throughout the day rather than trying to cram it all into one meal. Staying healthy can promote academic performance and help you to reach your educational goals.
Don’t skip your meals just because of a tight study schedule. Give your body the energy when it needs throughout the day rather than trying to cram it all into one meal. Staying healthy can promote academic performance and help you to reach your educational goals.
Sleep Well
Many students give up sleep to get good grades, but research shows that students who sleep well get better grades. It is suggested to maintain a regular wake-up and sleeping schedule even on weekends. How much sleep someone needs depends on their age. Teenagers aged 13–18 years should sleep 8 hours per 24 hours. Sleep without an alarm to determine your body’s natural sleep rhythm. Some students need only 6 hours, others need eight hours. Sleep as much as needed to feel refreshed and healthy during the following day. Curtailing time in bed a bit seems to solidify sleep.